
The Podcast Host Planner Journal

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The Podcast Host Planner Journal

The Podcast Host Planner will help you organise and execute your episodes, keeping in mind your big picture goals, your key values, and your own personal definition of success.

Did you know that most podcasters quit before they hit seven episodes? That’s a pretty generous estimation, too. There are hundreds of thousands of shows out there, with ONE single published episode.

So, how do you avoid becoming another one of them?

Having a great topic that you’re passionate about is a start. But, struggling to do the work on a regular and sustainable basis leads to the downfall of many a grand podcasting plan.

From key talking points and important links, to timecodes of edits and calls to action, there’s so much to keep on top of and remember. Then, there’s always next week’s episode to consider…

The Podcast Host Planner doesn’t get lost in a sea of logins, timelines, sidebars, feeds, and apps, all screaming for your attention. With it, you’re free to switch off your computer, put away your phone, and give your podcast some unbroken, undistracted one-on-one time.

It’ll give you superhuman powers when it comes to the outlining, execution, and delivery of your content. It’ll bring you peace of mind, knowing that nothing has been forgotten, overlooked, or poorly thought-out. It’ll help you show up for your listeners on a consistent basis. You’ll always deliver value, bring your A-Game, move forward, and grow.

The only question left is: can you afford not to own one?

Organise: Plan your podcast, from your major aims and ambitions, to your individual episodes. The Podcast Host Planner has everything you’ll need.

Execute: Keep track of in-episode Calls to Action, links, social handles, and edit points. The ‘Delivery’ sections mean you’ll never drop the ball again.

Grow: Regular reflection sections keep you focused on your big picture goals, and in a constant learning and growth mindset.

“The Podcast Host Planner was of immense help in all the planning stages of my podcast. It provides incredibly useful planning tips and an excellent set of templates for you to launch or re-think your podcast in a more in-depth and structured way. It certainly did all this for me and when the book arrived, having it in a paper format really unblocked an innovative, creative side I didn’t know I had. Thank you Podcast Host team! Highly recommended to all new and experienced podcasters.”

Ricardo M – The Insider Podcast

Why a print out planner?

  • A physical planner is an excellent prompt for motivation, inspiration, and productivity.
  • Eliminate digital distractions from your podcast planning. There’s no flashy sidebar in here!
  • Our whirlwind ‘How to Start’ guide will help get you set up, answering questions on everything from ideal episode length to formats and publishing.
  • Set your big picture goals in the Podcasting Compass section. These will help guide you, going forward. You’ll always be reminded of why you’re doing this, and who you’re doing it for.
  • 52 episode templates set you up for a year’s worth of podcasting, or more!
  • Reflect on your first 7 episodes, then after each block of 5 episodes. What went well, and what can still be improved?
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Planning for a year of podcast growth

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